AD/CV Duties Could be Coming on Staples from Thailand and Vietnam
Updated: Dec 1, 2022
The International Trade Administration has received a request to launch an inquiry into whether imports of collated steel staples from Thailand and Vietnam are circumventing the anti-dumping and countervailing duty orders on such goods from China. If the ITA reaches an affirmative determination, subject goods could be hit with AD/CV duties.
The staples covered by the AD/CV duty orders on China are made from steel wire having a nominal diameter ranging from 0.0355 inch to 0.0830 inch, inclusive; have a nominal leg length from 0.25 inch to 3.0 inches, inclusive; and have a nominal crown width from 0.187 inch to 1.125 inch, inclusive. They may be manufactured from any type of steel and may be uncoated or coated regardless of the type or number of coatings. They may be collated using any material or combination of materials, including adhesive, glue, adhesive film, adhesive tape, and paper tape.
The request alleges that companies using China-origin wire, packaging, and raw materials minorly process the materials in Vietnam or Thailand that are then exported to the U.S. The request asks the ITA to assess duties retroactively to Nov. 4, 2021.
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